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Let’s talk about Responsiblity
How much is too much?
The government advises that people should not regularly drink more than their weekly unit guidelines:
Men: 14 units of alcohol
Women: 14 units of alcohol
This advice applies regardless of how often you drink alcohol; you shouldn’t interpret the guidance as allowing you to “save up” your units, it’s best to spread evenly across the week.
What is a unit?
The size and strength of your drink will determine the number of units it contains. It’s not quite as simple as one drink, one unit – a glass of wine can range between just over one unit and more than three units depending on the size of the glass and type of wine.
Remember, when you’re drinking at home, you tend to pour measures that are larger than you get in your local.
Alcohol and the Law
The law on alcohol covers such areas as underage drinking, drink driving and drinking in public places.
Anatolia Gin Commitment
We do not sell alcohol to anyone that we believe to be intoxicated.
We operate Challenge 25 policy in our delivered sales, always asking for a recognised form of ID when we have reason to believe that the customer or person receiving goods may be under the age of 25.
We do not sell alcohol to customers whom we suspect of passing alcohol to under 18s.
We do not offer any incentives to our customers to drink irresponsibly.
The ABV of every alcoholic product we sell can be found on our website and on the product label.
We believe that our industry can and should work together to promote the responsible enjoyment of alcohol and that collectively, we can positively change the nation’s relationship with alcohol.